Rubella Vaccination At Home
Rubella is a viral infection that can infect any age group but is more seen in children. Medintu presents to you vaccination at home for rubella vaccine. Experience the benefits and care of the hospital from the comfort of your living room. Medintu is committed to your care and provides the best home-based vaccination for rubella.
What is Rubella?
Rubella is a virus that infects the respiratory tract. It is very contagious and spreads via droplets produced while talking, sneezing or coughing. The infection has a measles-like rash, also known as German measles.

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Note: Prescription is Mandatory for Home Vaccination
Types of Vaccines
- Rotaviral vaccination
- Newborn Baby Vaccination
- Varicella Vaccination
- Pertussis vaccination
- Mumps vaccination
- Adult Vaccination
- BCG Vaccination
- Polio Vaccination
- Swine flu Vaccination
- Rubella vaccination
- Rabies vaccination
- MMR vaccination
- Typhoid vaccination
- HPV vaccination
- Tetanus Vaccination
- Hepatitis A Vaccination
- Hepatitis B Vaccination
- Measles Vaccination
- Yellow Fever Vaccination
- Pneumococcal Vaccination
- Chickenpox Vaccination
Symptoms of Rubella
- The infection with the rubella virus can cause the following symptoms. It develops 2-3 weeks after exposure to the virus.
- The rash starts in the face. Later it spreads to the rest of the body.
- Fever
- Cough
- Runny nose
- Red and watering eyes.
- Joint pain
These symptoms last 1-5 days, after which the person recovers. Rubella in pregnant women can cause the baby’s death or congenital disabilities.
How to Treat and Prevent Rubella?
Rubella is a mild viral disease that goes away on its own. There is no specific treatment. Anti-fever med=cines like paracetamol can be given; good fluid intake and proper bed rest are the way to go.
During pregnancy, there is an increased risk of complications, so lung capacities and function are monitored.
Rubella can be easily prevented by the rubella vaccine, a vaccine with the live but weakened virus to generate immunity in the body against the infection.
Need Help?
What is the age at which the rubella vaccine is given?
It is given between 12-15 months and between 4-6 years of age. It is also given to unvaccinated women at least 28 days before pregnancy.
How is the vaccine given?
It is usually given in 3 doses four weeks apart. It is offered at six weeks, ten weeks, and 14 weeks. A drop of the vaccine is given to the mouthThe vaccine can be given to infants in the anterior and lateral parts of the thigh. The vaccine in adults is administered on the upper left arm. The injection is given into the muscles or intramuscularly. of the baby.
What is the dose of the vaccine?
It is about 0.5 ml for all ages. At least two doses of vaccine are given to every individual for effective immunity.
What are the side effects of the rubella vaccine?
It can cause:
- Fever
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
In rare cases
- Bruising
- Bleeding at the injection site
Allergic reactions on the first dose of the vaccine are a contraindication for the next shot.