Naturopathy treatment for Ulcers
Ulcers create erosions in the stomach lining, resulting in irritation, and have a wide variety of symptoms like loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain. H.pylori, a type of bacteria, regularly causes it. Give rise to ulcers. It can support the lining of the stomach and reduce the amount of stomach acid. Naturopaths suggest patients drink tea made of this root or chew DGL or deglycyrrhizinated licorice before going to sleep or while eating.
Herbs: use various herbs, suggested by Most naturopaths, such as goldenseal root and slippery elm, to decrease swelling, and fight bacteria. These also strengthen the body and promote the immune system.

Ulcers create erosion in the stomach lining, leading to irritation, and have many symptoms such as losing appetite, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It is often caused by H. pylori, a bacteria that causes ulcers. It supports the stomach lining and reduces the amount of acid in the stomach. Naturopaths recommend that patients drink tea from this root or chew low-fat DGL or licorice before bed or with meals. Such as goldenseal root and elm to reduce swelling, fight bacteria, strengthen the body, and boost the immune system.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system and improve human health. Naturopaths recommend adding enough vitamin-rich foods to your diet, including red bell peppers, strawberries, and oranges. You may also consider taking a daily vitamin C supplement at the dosage recommended by your qualified naturopath. Beta carotene and vitamin A support the stomach lining. Raw cabbage juice is an effective medicinal supplement for ulcer patients. Taken twice a day, ionize daily in the morning and the evening. It can quickly relieve you of ulcer problems. Fresh cabbage that can be added to salads.
Bowel ulceration and swelling in the large intestine is an acute condition in Dysentery,
A colic pain in the abdominal area moves partly grown stones or liquid with blood and mucus. At Medintu, we have a team of certified naturopaths who are available to treat all cases of Dysentery by entirely natural processes. Therefore, patients can assume a total recovery with no side effects by using entirely natural methods.
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Dysentery Causes & Symptoms:
It has acute, and chronic conditions In an acute condition, we face dysenteric motions, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain.
After the severe dysentery attacks, chronic cases arise. A complete recovery is not experienced in patients from chronic conditions. And alternate symptoms arise, such as constipation, diarrhoea,putrid stools with blood, and general malaise. Increase the body temperature to 104 or 105 ° F in severe cases, and lower the body’s temperature than usual.
In the colon, germs arise, causing Dysentery due to the decay of massive amounts, and it’s hard to digest fatty foods, spicy foods, animal protein, and fried substances. The chief causes of this situation combine:
- Consumption of too much fleshy foods in hot weather
- Debility
- Reduced vitality
- Chills
- Dietary indiscretion
- Intestinal disorders
- Fatigue