Chronic Constipation
Chronic constipation is a long-term illness characterized by irregular bowel flow. The condition occurs when a lot of water is absorbed by the colon or when there is a slow contraction of muscles in the colon, ending in the too late movement of stools by the colon, delivering stools dry and hard. Conventional medication systems are usually lacking in treating the disorder and ensuring a complete solution. At the naturopathy center, we use entirely natural ways to offer long-term relief from constipation problems and restore good health quickly.

How Do We Treat Chronic Constipation Naturally?
Our strategy includes dietary and lifestyle changes, in addition to nutritional assistance.
A mixture of methods is used.
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Exercises – exercises mainly cover various Yoga positions, such as Dhanurasana, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Yoga Mudra, Shalabhasana, and Bhujangasana. Breathing or Pranayamas workouts such as bhastrika, and anulom-vilom as well as jalanetikriya or water-purification, are also advantageous. These activities increase the peristaltic function of the bowels and affect pelvic and abdominal muscles more powerful.
Dietary modifications – Decent diet can help in proper bowel action. A normal, all-natural diet containing dairy products like cream, and butter, dry fruits like raisins, and dates, fresh fruits like grapefruit, guava, oranges, and figs, whole grain seeds, leafy fresh legumes like carrot, beets, and celery, and unrefined foods like lentils, molasses, honey, and bran are suggested in specific amounts in line to ensure proper digestion, and bowel movements.
Water healing – We also suggest regular consumption of h2O for patients, which supports diluting the blood, and detoxifying the system. Usually, patients are recommended to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water every day. With proper consumption of water, dissolution and digestion of nutrients are gained.
Herbs – Herbs similar to Gotu Kola, Garlic, Ginger, and Siberian Ginseng stimulate the thyroid. The adrenal gland is responsible for usual bodily duties and guarantees efficient relief of constipation.
Chronic constipation patients often undergo abdominal ache, bloating, and general ill-health. We also use mud therapy, massages, fruit juices, and several other ways for higher comfort.