Dr. Anand Naik
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Dr. Anand Naik
Dr. Anand Naik is a General Physician and has experience of over 5 years. The doctor practices in his own clinic.
Languages:- Hindi, English, Marathi
- +919100907036, +919100907622
- cs@medintu.in
- Mon-Sat
- 09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
Here is the information regarding Anand Naik. He is currently practicing in a clinic as a General Physician at NAIK HEALTH CLINIC which is in Pune, Maharastra. Dr. Anand Naik’s main aim is to provide treatment for everybody who is in need, so he started an online consultation with the help of a teleconsultation facility. He is a General Physician and also treats patients who have problems with the thyroid and diabetics, he will be treating the patients with primary problems, and if the situation is worst he will suggest a specialist. Dr. Anand Naik also offers this online consultation at very affordable prices, he had done his fellowship in Rheumatology and Diabetes.
- MBBS – at Government Medical College (Latur).
- MD – at Government Medical College & Hospitals in Nagpur.
- DNB – NBE Delhi
Where does Dr.Anand Naik practice?
Naik Health Clinic at Pune, Maharastra.
What are the qualifications of Dr.Anand Naik
Why do patients visit Dr. Anand Naik?
Patients frequently visit Dr. Anand Naik for Thyroid Treatment, Diabetic Treatment, and also he is an general physician.