Bipap Machine On Rent in Chennai
A BIPAP machine can assist force air into your lungs if you have trouble breathing. You wear a mask or nasal plugs attached to a ventilator. The machine forces pressured air into your lungs. It’s termed “positive pressure ventilation” because the device uses air pressure to assist expand your lungs.Medintu is one of the most significant and comprehensive online platforms for BIPAP machine for rent or sale in Chennai . Medintu selects the best from among the hundreds of alternatives offered to you. We promise to provide you with the best pricing for the BIPAP machine in Chennai.

Our quality services and commitment help our customers to grab the best health products.
Get Bipap Machine For Rent or Sale Now
Bipap Machine - Per Day
Bipap Machine - Per Session
Rs. 4999
Benefits of Bipap Machine on Rent:
- BiPAP can improve life expectancy and has been shown to dramatically lower the chance of death from certain disorders and diseases.
- BiPAP usage for COPD may minimise the amount of COPD exacerbations and the requirement for invasive mechanical ventilation.
- BiPAP may also assist to reduce the consequences of respiratory illness by enabling already compromised respiratory muscles to rest during the night.
Medical Equipment
Usually, the cost of BIPAP machine varies based on the type of the test, purpose of test, and health condition of the patient. BIPAP machine cost in Chennai ranges from an average of Rs. 5,000/- to Maximum of Rs.7000/-.
Just book a BIPAP machine through the website or call +919100907036, +919100907622.
Full form of BIPAP is Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure